Friday, September 4, 2009

Didn't have the camera with me...

But today while picking crab apples in the orchard we saw a cougar!!!!!! At 2 in the afternoon, sitting in the middle of the road ( the one we had to take to get back home). Luckily we did have the binoculars with us , so we each had a chance to view it twice! It was really young and quite small. I was expecting to see a mum at anytime but we never saw her. We were pretty excited and nervous walking back home. we cut the trip short! I had to call the conservation officer because of the age of it, the lack of fear and the fact that it was in broad daylight. The fire cheif came to the house to visit and the conservation officer is now outside and will likely bring the hounds. So amazing... likely we will never ever see something like that again.


yalisha case said...

Oh wow! How wonderful and frightening, both! Here's hoping both it and it's Mama go back far into the woods, away from the people, no?

villagemama said...

No kidding! The shame is, this is right on our little road which is at the edge of the forest, but still very populated. There are 30 kids on our road. I really toyed with not calling the conservation officer, but it isn't a great thing to see a adolesent cougar, mid day, who has no fear at all and is lingering watching children!The last thing I wan't is for it to be killed. I am hoping that it will just go away quickly and no one will get hurt or lose thier pets. The cougars are around ALL of the time here, but you really shouldn't actually SEE them if you know what I mean. What an odd experience! We looked up the cougar medicine card when we got home... it says that we need to lead more by example and not take advantage of our postion of power. Always good to be reminded!

MamaLou said...

How totally cool (and scarey)!!!!!!!! We were just at the park getting groundfall apples for our pigs last week! I am a little envious!!! The germans that are staying with us would have been happy to see cougars. My theory is that there are SO SO MANY deer right now that the predator prey cycle means cougar numbers are on the rise.....

This Mama said...

Wow K! That is great that you guys were able to see one. I think of all the people who have lived here there whole lives and have never seen one. On the other hand too - yikes! I have been hearing on the news that it is the adolescent ones that have been causing a problem locally because they have no fear. Rob's folks have been seeing way for evidence of cougars up at their cabin.