We spent the entire weekend in the garden!! I am completely
exhausted , but in that tingly well exercised body kind of way. We doubled our garden. That entailed a ton of breaking up the
field grass , so was a lot of work. We hauled it all back into the forest. We moved our compost and turned the finished stuff back into the garden, the unfinished to continue its process in its new location. We repaired the fence in the multiple spots where the bear tore it apart last year. We made a gate in the back fence... cause the neighbours are moving and we
don't want to inconvenience any new ones by trouping through
their yard multiple times of day. Besides, it will make it a lot easier to get the bikes in and out into the trails this way. We moved the old strawberry bed into the newly expanded garden. I wanted to make everything more central so that the watering isn't such a chore. In the past everything has been spread out all over the yard making watering a little more time consuming. If we have trouble with the water source like we did last year it will help to have everything in one spot so that no water is wasted while hand watering. We raked the neighbours yard to take advantage of the leaves for mulch. I harvested a large bucket of spring
dandelion root and have them soaking, ready to chop and lay out on screens to dry. I expanded my herb garden by building another raised bed beside the old one, enriching the soil and moving some of my older herbs to the new garden. It made it much easier to get the grass bits out . Now I have the space to weed out the old one properly and get it ready for more plants.
On top of this we grocery shopped, picked up canning jars at the thrift store... and I made three spring, light
toques. One left to make tonight!
My neighbour came back from Egypt and brought the boys back some
Egyptian currency, some sand ( I think that might be illegal... but the boys were stoked and looked at it under the microscope)and some papyrus and bookmarks with
hieroglyphics so that the boys could make codes. I don't make them plan
schooly things with
their supplies, but painting
hieroglyphics was the first thing that they wanted to do on it. They were pretty
freakin excited.
So I am super duper tired and ready to crash out... knew I hadn't updated for a while. Feeling
soooooo happy to have a bit of spring. I have to say, after a long spring day and a glass of wine we tore all of the plastic off of the windows last night. It lets so much more light into the house and a little bit of flow. It is always such a liberating sensation! So much more hope this time of the year!
I will be sure to post this week.... we have some pretty sweet things coming in the mail during the workweek that I am excited to share!